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Terry has his own brand of quizzing. He draws a clear line between GK and Quizzing as he has been treading both genres. 

20/20 GK is a book by him from Tata McGraw Hill- a fast track book for aspirants to take up the cudgels of competitive examinations. His mantra here is spelt out with the 3Rs:


Read, Record, Recall.

He has been a quiz master since 1976, a professional quiz master conducting quizzes at Youth festivals in various institutes such as ISM (Indian School of Mines), REC Rourkela, XISS, BIT, Sindhri,  British Council. He has conducted both general quizzes and theme based quizzes.

His mantra for quizzing; Have a keen sense of observation. DO NOT LOOK, SEE!
A Quizzing enthusiast, he believes got to have to develop the following skills:


  • Observe

  • Note

  • Quiz instinct: Work out the answer. In all probability a good quiz master will not pick up printed questions. There is a TEAM that will work out the answer.

  • If you don’t know the answer give a stupid answer- the trophy is for you. At a Sports Quiz Chima Okerie asked the meaning of his name “Chima’. This was to decide the winner; all teams failed. He goaded the last team on and one them just thn one participant threw his arms up and said’ God knows’. Trust him. That was the correct answer.

  • Above all have a sense of humour

  • EDUTAINMENT is the bottom line of quizzing.

Bahrain Master Mind Quiz 2022

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Mega Mind Quiz - Shillong

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